Rick Ross GFID Pushed Back

Rick Ross guaranteed that his new album God Forgives I Don’t was dropping this December. But now, things have changed. According to sland Def Jam Senior VP of Marketing Chris Atlas:

“I think we’re all aware of his recent health issue, and based on some of the minor setbacks with that, we weren’t able to confirm certain opportunities, because he physically wasn’t able to deal with certain things at the time,” says Atlas. “We want this to be his biggest album — we know it’s going to be his biggest album — so we did not want to pressure him into releasing an album based on the sake of a date.

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30-something music connoisseur, I love it all. Mainstream or Underground it don't matter. Music sales help but will NEVER determine if it's a classic album. Quality over quantity. I will post things that I like, somethings I could care less about. So hop on and enjoy the ride.
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